Dover- There is a park near an historic cemetery where you will find an art pod.
Dover - The hedge is a likely place to look for an art pod.
Bristol _ Location on the walkway behind the wall
BRISTOL - Nearby view of the Thames from the art pod location.
Lambeth- War Museum adjacent to the art pod location in London
Lambeth- London location of an art pod near War Memorial Museum
Lympne- township where art pod was placed
New location in France World War 1 Cemetery, FRANCE, where Lympne art pod was relocated to.
HYTHE - The Military Canal were an art pod was placed nearby.
HYTHE- The art pod was placed behind fence backed on to a golf course. It was found and placed back but may have now been removed.
Alfriston - St Andrews Church has an art pod in its grounds.
The St Andrews Church cottage harbors a secretive artpod.