Gleaner or Gladiator

The Struggle to Create

About this book

GLEANER or GLADIATOR: The Struggle to Create

ISBN 978-0-9803279-0-39 written, illustrated,and compiled by Lyne Marshall.
First publication 2007, 80 pages, full colour,  275 x 210 cm

Available as a Published Book or as an Ebook which can be purchased to read on
kindle, or downloaded to your computer / IPAD and read via the Free Kindle Reader.
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Written and illustrated by Australian artist Lyne Marshall, this book has inspired,
comforted and supported many who sought to claim their artistic vision in a natural,
free and innovative way. In negating the artistic journey from study to the studio and
on to the gallery, we can encounter a road fraught with obstacles.

Lyne takes the reader through the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of
creating while pondering on the positive aspects of finding true direction and focus.
As creative individuals we may gather inspiration from many sources, taking the sole
responsibility then for formulating or construct something worthy.

While not overtly a ‘how to book’, Gleaner may shorten the ‘struggle’ by offering
insights into an artist’s mind and practice. It has value, not only on a personal
level, but as an educational tool, especially for those searching for direction.

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Table of Contents


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